Policies are subject to change.
Lessons are taught during fall, spring and summer semesters (Please see the Summer Lessons policies below.)
I will follow the school year calendar; therefore, when the student is on break, I am on break. Schedule this lesson early before I make plans.
Lessons may be taken during breaks if I am available, please check the calendar.
The lesson year will usually start with the second week of school.
The lesson year will end one week before the end of the school year.
Students wanting to work outside of this will be handled case by case. Please contact me to discuss this.
I will teach Private and Group Lessons as requested.
Private lessons in the home take place once a week and may be scheduled in 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions.
Group piano and guitar lessons take place once a week for 45 minutes with up to 5 students per class.
If only two students are enrolled in a group class, the lessons will be shortened to 30 minutes.
All lessons are scheduled on a first-come first-served basis.
A note about group lessons: Group lessons can be a fun way to teach a group of students at the same level. However, since students work at different paces, inevitably, there is a point when the group format is not beneficial to an individual student. At that point, that student should be moved to private lessons.
I know, summer is hectic for everyone.
Summer music lessons are taught during the months of June - August.
For the summer semester, lessons may be scheduled on a week by week basis, but I encourage students/parent(s) to choose early, as spots are first come first serve.
Invoices will be sent by email at the beginning of each month following the schedule set at the beginning of Summer.
Lessons will be invoiced monthly on a "per lesson" rate for that month's schedule.
If I will be unavailable for a period during the summer, I will block out those dates on the schedule.
Young beginning piano students will be taught using the Faber and Faber - Piano Adventures method.
Students who have had prior lessons may use their previous method until completion of the current level, but I will then place the student in an appropriate level of Piano Adventures.
Adults beginning piano lessons will use the Alfred Adult Method.
Adult students who have had prior lessons may use their previous method until completion of the current level, but I will then place the student in an appropriate level of the Alfred Adult Method.
I will teach theory along with the regular lesson books.
Other technique books may be used as well, including but not limited to the Hanon Exercises.
I encourage sight reading practice and adding repertoire as students advance.
Beginning guitar students will learn to play melodic and rhythmic guitar by written music and chord charts using either the FJH Young Beginner Guitar Method or Everybody's Guitar Method book depending on the age of the student.
Classical guitar and bass guitar instruction is also available.
Trumpet students will be taught from their school band lesson books.
Additional exercises from sources such as the Arban Method book may be used as well.
All students are required to have an instrument for home practice within one month of beginning lessons.
For lessons in the home, an instrument must be provided by the student.
Students are asked to obtain a spiral notebook to record the pages to practice or complete for that week.
Students are encouraged to keep a weekly practice log of the number of minutes they practice each day.
For a student to be successful, he/she must practice on a regular basis. I recommend a minimum of four practice days per week.
Practice periods may be 15 minutes for beginners and 30 minutes to one hour or more for intermediate and advanced students.
Additionally, parents are encouraged to monitor and/or supervise their child's practices. This active participation of the parent(s) will ultimately make the student more successful. Parents should feel free to discuss with me different methods of motivating a student to practice.
I will find a location for a recital each semester (non-summer) as I gage interest in doing such.
Tuition will be based on a "per lesson" rate, and invoiced at the beginning of the month for the lessons scheduled for that month.
Rates for longer lessons than standard (30 minutes) are increased proportionally.
Group rates reflect a per student discount.
If the group lesson loses all but one student, it will be changed to a private lesson and invoiced accordingly.
Enroll one family member at the regular monthly price and receive either a $1.25 discount per lesson for students invoiced on a "per lesson" rate, or a $5 discount per month for students invoiced on a "flat" rate for each additional family member enrolled.
I recieve a teacher's discount at one of the local music stores; therefore, I will purchase the books and materials used in lessons throughout the year (as the student may graduate from one level to the next) on the behalf of the student, on the condition that the student/parent(s) agree to reimburse me for those expenses.
I will notify the student/parent(s) when it will be necessary to purchase the next level of books.
The student/parent(s) may themselves purchase the required materials.
Listed below are the location and contact information for the two local music stores that I recommend for book purchases.
All students are required to bring their books to each lesson.These books will also be used in the home for practice sessions. I may have extra copies of lesson books if a student forgets to bring his/her books, but I cannot guarantee this.
The student/parent may choose to pay either by 1) semester/school year or by 2) monthly payments.
1) Semester/school year payments will be calculated according to the local school calendar, invoiced and emailed at the time of enrollment and are due immediately thereafter (Or at the beginning of each semester).
2) The first monthly payment will be invoiced via email at the time of enrollment. Thereafter, monthly payments are invoiced via email and due the 1st day of each month and must paid by the 15th of each month.
Prompt payment is expected and appreciated. Students will not be allowed to participate in lessons when payments are late by more than 14 days. Consistently late payments may result in the termination of lessons.
Payments may be made by check or by credit/debit card through PayPal as available.
Please make checks payable to Spainhour Music.
Checks may be given to me directly, or mailed to me at:
Spainhour MusicAll returned check fees and associated expenses will be the responsibility of the check writer.
Account balances are available at spainhourmusic.musicteachershelper.com
If your child will be absent during a lesson, please contact me 24 hours before the lesson.
Make-up lessons will NOT be provided if a student is absent or if the student/parent(s) cancels a lesson. This is due to the difficulty in re-scheduling lessons; remember you are paying for my time whether you use it or not.
If I must miss a lesson, the lesson will be rescheduled.
Requests for switching lesson times will be considered if time is available the week of the request.
No refunds will be issued for missed lessons with the exception of EXCUSED ABSENCES.
Students are allowed two excused absences between Sept - Dec and two between Jan - May.
Students will not be charged for the excused absence IF the request is made at least ONE WEEK in advance.
The credit for the excused absence will appear on the next invoice.
During lessons, students are expected to behave properly.
For children taking lessons in the home, a parent or guardian must be present in the home during each lesson.
At the student's home, it is important that the atmosphere in the home be conducive to learning, ie no excessive noise.
I encourage all students to remain in music lessons on a long-term basis, as learning an instrument takes time and commitment to practice.
However, a student may be withdrawn from lessons by contacting me directly at (850) 212-5389 or (850) 671-3953 or myron@spainhourmusic.com.
If the student wishes to withdraw, 30 days notice must be given. This policy only applies during the school year.
In the event that sufficient notice is not given, payment must be made for all lessons that would have been received during the 30 day period following the date of withdrawal.
If a student stops coming to lessons with no notification, then a charge will incur for the unused scheduled lessons in the 30 day period following termination.
Except in emergency situations, this policy will be enforced.
Students will be enrolled from Sept - May unless proper withdrawal notification is given.
Announcements with pertinent information will be sent by e-mail and posted under Studio News on www.SpainhourMusic.com.
Those without e-mail will receive information by US mail, phone, or fliers distributed to the students.
Copyright 2013. Spainhour Music, LLC. All rights reserved